In our combined meeting on Sunday our teacher, Elder McMinn played a video of the stakes of Zion that have come into being since the restoration. Of course it started our very slowly. One Stake in Nauvoo and then gradually some in Utah. The Spirit of God was playing in the background softly and kind of slow. Gradually it sped up, the first stake out of Utah was in Hawaii then South America started going then Canada, it was all kind of slow with a light flashing for each new stake and then a red dot to show where it was. As the dates flashing at the bottom got closer to the present, they started coming faster and faster until large areas were flashing all at once and several areas were all red. The music got louder and faster and at the end it was like a huge lightening storm. It was very exciting. Then Elder McMinn had one of the missionaries read "The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.
There were few dry eyes by the end of the video and maybe none at the end of "The Standard of Truth. What a thrill is to be part of such a great work. We are so grateful to be here in Nauvoo. We miss you all, especially at this time of year, but we pray for the Lord's choicest blessings to be with you and that you may feel the joy that comes from living the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is true and the greatest thing in our lives. Love you all!!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Those of you who saw Sunset by the Mississippi this summer will remember Sister Ora Mae May. She is a single sister and played the marimba for the walkerette routine. I like to tell you about her son. When he was 14 her husband died. Soon after this son started with the rodeo crowd and picked up the habits of chewing tobacco and drinking. He was ordained a Priest, but that was the end of his activity. He married out of the church and had several children who weren't members either. Sister May said this son, wife and children came out to Nauvoo to visit her in July. They were here the first 3 nights of the Pageant. The first night, even though it was quite rainy and coo., they stayed for the whole performance. They came the nedxt two nights also. Sister May asked her daughter-in-law at the end of her stay, how did you like Nauvoo? The lady said: "it is the first vacation that I ever went on that I cried every night and loved every minute of it. Sister May told us that the son, his wife and the children were taking the missionary lessons. The son was trying to live the word of wis dom so he could baptize his wife and children. Sister May later told us that her son had been interviewed to b e ordained an Elder. He was so excited because he was going to baptize and confirm his wife and his children.
Sister May said that she will forever be grateful for the Pageant and what it had done to bless her family. Her greatest blessing from serving this mission is that it brought her son here so that he could have his family with him in the gospel.
Sister May said that she will forever be grateful for the Pageant and what it had done to bless her family. Her greatest blessing from serving this mission is that it brought her son here so that he could have his family with him in the gospel.
Friday, November 6, 2009
B-day surprise
So here I am, dusting at the Brigham Young home when I here the door open. I hear voices, but concentrate on finishing the dusting before anyone gets where they can see me. The next thing I know beautiful voices are singing Happy Birthday to you. I look up and there in the door are Lisa, w/Michael, Shanna, and Abby; and Laree, w/Emma and Johnathan. I was so overwhelmed, I could hardly contain my joy and excitement at seeing them. It was the last thing I was expecting. After giving hugs and kisses and finally calming down my thrill, I gave them the tour. Then they went to other sites, saw Grandpa some where in there; and by the time we got home at 5:00 p.m. they had a wonderful birthday dinner prepared and even a Banana Cream Pie!!! I would never expect that kind of birthday on a mission, but it was wonderful. Today we went out to dinner with dear friends E/S Toone & E/S Jones. It's been a terrific two days. Life is great, the gospel is true what more could we ask.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I havn't blogged for a while, life just seems to carry us along with few opportunities for the non-essentials. We are happy, healthy, and having the time of our lives. I wish all of you could have this opportunity some time in the future. In our prep meeting this morning they announced that there have been 29 documented baptisms from referral cards at the pageant. There may be many others that have not been traced to the pageant, but that started there. What a thrill to be part of such a wonderful work. Some days we give tours all day long and don't think any thing special has happened and then you connect with one person and know that they are feeling the spirit . What a joy that is! I do believe that anyone who comes here will not slam the door in the face of missionaries when they come to their home.
Yesterday we served at Carthage. The first time we have had that priveledge. What a joy it was to feel the wonderful spirit of that place. We have come to love the Prophet Joseph Smith as never before. What a tremendous example he is to us all. If I work the rest of my life, I could not measure up even 1/200 th of what he has done; but I hope I can know and commune with him when I leave this life.
The spirit here in Nauvoo is so wonderful. We find such joy and satisfaction each day as we serve at the various sites. The gospel brings happiness to those who live it. May you all find that joy in your lives. We love you all so much
Monday, October 12, 2009
On Thursday while I was serving in the Brigham Young home, a middle aged couple and their son came in. I was impressed with their happy nature. In fact, the son never seemed to stop smiling. The only change was in how wide the smile was. After bearing testimony and sharing some personal things with them, the son asked if he could share his story.
At the age of 17 he was diagnosed with brain cancer. The tumor was between the lobes of the brain and it was impossible to remove more than a small portion of it. Removing that portion did help his headaches, but after several more surgeries they told him there was nothing more they could do. They said he should go home and enjoy what short life he had left.
While he was still in the hospital, two men in suits came in and asked if Elder ...... (his name) was there. He said "my name is ........" One of the men said he was Elder ....... of the seventy and he had been sent there by Thomas S. Monson to give a blessing to the future Elder ....... He received the blessing and was promised he would live to serve a mission and would have good health. He was not able to serve a regular mission because he has no short term memory, even though his long term memory is perfect. He did serve a full time mission in his own area and worked in the mission office helping with the records. It has been 17 years since that diagnosis and he enjoys really good health, and I believe his smiles show his gratitude for being alive.
We all cried together as he shared his story. I was really grateful that we were not busy that day or I could not have taken time to listen. It was one of those wonderful experiences that we are blessed with occasionally. I am sooooo glad to be here.
At the age of 17 he was diagnosed with brain cancer. The tumor was between the lobes of the brain and it was impossible to remove more than a small portion of it. Removing that portion did help his headaches, but after several more surgeries they told him there was nothing more they could do. They said he should go home and enjoy what short life he had left.
While he was still in the hospital, two men in suits came in and asked if Elder ...... (his name) was there. He said "my name is ........" One of the men said he was Elder ....... of the seventy and he had been sent there by Thomas S. Monson to give a blessing to the future Elder ....... He received the blessing and was promised he would live to serve a mission and would have good health. He was not able to serve a regular mission because he has no short term memory, even though his long term memory is perfect. He did serve a full time mission in his own area and worked in the mission office helping with the records. It has been 17 years since that diagnosis and he enjoys really good health, and I believe his smiles show his gratitude for being alive.
We all cried together as he shared his story. I was really grateful that we were not busy that day or I could not have taken time to listen. It was one of those wonderful experiences that we are blessed with occasionally. I am sooooo glad to be here.
Monday, September 14, 2009
We had a great preparation meeting today. Sister Romney, a single sister whom I have come to love and admire gave the thought. She told of a friend of hers who was not a member, but who was impressed with the standards of her member friends and was baptized on her 18th birthday. (her parents made her wait until then) She loved the church, married in the temple and tried to do every thing she could to be obedient, including family history work. She made a trip from her home in California to Salt Lake to visit the Family History library. She checked out a microfilm and started searching, but it appeared to be a blank tape. She kept rolling through the tape and finally found one entry, the women she was searching for. She went to the desk to get the appropriate card to fill out and the woman suggested that she fill it out right there. She said, "Oh I can just go back and do it from the screen. The women said, "It won't be there, that is a blank tape" The friend assured her that it was on the screen, but was told "It often is but it will not be there when you go back, that Is a blank tape." Of course she finished the work right then, and continued working very hard doing family history. Sometime later she was in an accident with a drunk driver. She said that just at the moment of impact, she saw a group of people in earlier period clothing standing around her. Even though she was injured, she survived what should have been a fatal crash. She said she did not know if those were people whose work she had done or ones who still needed her to complete their work, but it did not matter. She would continue to do all she could. What a great way to start out our day.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two of our very favorite missionaries have gone home. They added so much to our cast and to the mission. They are from Canada and have always done everything the very best they could, with total cooperation and positive attitudes they will be greatly missed. They are standing in the bottom right hand corner. Elder and Sister Hardy, we love you!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We just returned home from a sociable put on by Vocal Point, an acappella group from BYU. They were great and after doing a medley of primary songs, several of them spoke to introduce the song they wanted to sing and we would join in for one verse. We were surrounded by lightning on the East, West, and North, but quite a ways away. With it on so many sides you would think it would come over us, but it did not. One of the guys in introducing his hymn gave a quote. I don't know who it was by, but I really liked it. "Life is not about weathering the storm, it is about learning to dance in the rain." What a great thought. We all have spots of bad weather in our lives. We need to learn not to just get through them, but find joy as we do. Thinking about our wonderful family brings me joy every day. We are so blessed to have the gospel and a living prophet to lead us. I know we can get through anything if we will follow the prophet and what we have been taught. Nauvoo is an unbelievable experience. Every day brings new opportunities and challenges. Love you all!!!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I've been really bad at blogging lately. There always seems to be so much more to do than I have time to do. John and I have been working really hard on a new part for Rendezvous the last few weeks. We had our debut performance on Thurs. We had 4 daughters and 3 grandchildren with us that night. Our mission President and his wife and a visitor from the mission department in Salt Lake were also in the audience. That made my heart beat a lot faster that I would have liked. It went better than I expected. (still lots of room for improvment though) We have really enjoyed the many visits from family and friends. It has been wonderful to see you. We love you all!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Preparation day was very fun this week. 4 couples and 1 single sister went to Hannibal and took a ride on a river boat. It was a great change from routine, very pleasant and relaxing.

Anna Jean & Lamon Perkes have been here this week. We have seen them and their family several times, but on Sunday we spent much of the day with them. They are such a wonderful family and we feel such a connection with all the children as well that it was almost like being with family. It was a great day. we are so grateful for good friends. We are really looking forward to having friends and family here during the summer. We have talked to many that are friends with our family and friends and that is really fun also. What a blessing and a privilege it is to be here.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Well summer hours are here and so are the crowds. I'm sure it will get more crowded as summer progresses, but it is all ready really something. The wagon rides were going 3 times daily, now it is up to 15. I did one wagon tour with only 2 people but most of the time we were quite full. Delray Hobbs and his wife were on a tour and she recognized me. She said "You were at that youth conference when we met. He was recently returned from his mission and she was a graduating Senior. By the end of youth conference we all knew they would be getting married. It was really fun to watch. They have 7 children and several grandchildren. How time does fly.
Today John and I served in the Jonathan Browning home and gun shop. Neither of us had ever worked there before so it was a learning experience. I even learned how to do the rifle making demo. Just picture pounding a thick piece of metal into a barrel. Do you know what these words mean? Skelp, mandrill, forge-weld....Just like I knew what I was talking about; but it was fun. Well, exhaustion has hit and I'm going to bed. Love to all MOM
Today John and I served in the Jonathan Browning home and gun shop. Neither of us had ever worked there before so it was a learning experience. I even learned how to do the rifle making demo. Just picture pounding a thick piece of metal into a barrel. Do you know what these words mean? Skelp, mandrill, forge-weld....Just like I knew what I was talking about; but it was fun. Well, exhaustion has hit and I'm going to bed. Love to all MOM
Monday, May 11, 2009
What a great Sabbath this has been. Two couples that are leaving soon spoke in Sacrament meeting, We had a fun dinner with our two closest couple friends and then walked across the Mississippi. We even visited the old rock bridge (you know where Joseph and Emma first kiss in the movie). Then we went to a sociable with Susan Eastman Black. She really loves Nauvoo and knows the history better than almost anybody. We knew that Lucy Mack Smith had been designated a mother in Israel, but didn't know the story. It was common to call older women mother. Lucy wondered if she was still entitled to that title when so many of her children had died. Brigham said he didn't know and in general conference they took a vote on it, and they voted that she should still be called mother. A very precious title indeed. Emma Smith is the only patriarchal blessing given here in Nauvoo that did not include the word if. No "if you are faithful" just "you will be exalted. The rest of her talk was about Mary Fielding Smith from the perspective of Joseph F.
The sisters were donating pennies to pay for windows for the temple. The drawer that held the pennies was left open and Joseph F. saw them and thought it would be fun to have them jingling in his pockets. He scooped a handful into each pants pocket and went out to play, and soon forgot about them. A man heard them and told his to empty his pockets, when he did, the said you are a thief, the son of Hyrum Smith is a thief. When he took him home and said that to his mother, she asked Joseph if he had taken them with the idea of stealing them, of course that had never even crossed his mind. Mary told the man to get out of her home that he was no longer welcome there and that her son was Not a thief.
When Mary was told of the martyrdom, Joseph F. heard her sobbing all night; but the next morning when they went to see the bodies, she put on her finest clothing and dressed him in his and they went. She did not shed a tear in front of others. She lifted Joseph F. up and said "Look at your father, He died for the truth, now you must live for the truth". He said that throughout his life he would see has father in his coffin and hear his mother saying "now you must live for the truth." She told several other stories about Joseph F. Smith, but the last one was when he was in his late 20's he was walking and met Brigham Young. Brigham asked him who he was and who his parents were. After he answered, Brigham said I have a blessing for you from your father do you want it? Of course he said yes and they found a private place and Brigham placed his hands on his head and gave him a blessing of love, and comfort and council from his father; but before he closed, he also ordained his an apostle and made him a member of the first presidency. Joseph F. was very surprised, but not as surprised as Brigham was. Brigham said "You will notice I made you an apostle and a member of the First Presidency; but we have no vacancies at this time, so don't say anything about this for a while. It was a really interesting fireside.
It has been a great mother's day. I've heard from all of our children and even a grandchild and got to talk to a great-grandchild. It was wonderful to hear from you and I enjoyed it very much, but I hope you all know that the thing that brings me the greatest joy is the good lives you all lead. May you all find joy in living the gospel and drawing close to our Savior. Love MOM (Grandma - Great Grandma)
The sisters were donating pennies to pay for windows for the temple. The drawer that held the pennies was left open and Joseph F. saw them and thought it would be fun to have them jingling in his pockets. He scooped a handful into each pants pocket and went out to play, and soon forgot about them. A man heard them and told his to empty his pockets, when he did, the said you are a thief, the son of Hyrum Smith is a thief. When he took him home and said that to his mother, she asked Joseph if he had taken them with the idea of stealing them, of course that had never even crossed his mind. Mary told the man to get out of her home that he was no longer welcome there and that her son was Not a thief.
When Mary was told of the martyrdom, Joseph F. heard her sobbing all night; but the next morning when they went to see the bodies, she put on her finest clothing and dressed him in his and they went. She did not shed a tear in front of others. She lifted Joseph F. up and said "Look at your father, He died for the truth, now you must live for the truth". He said that throughout his life he would see has father in his coffin and hear his mother saying "now you must live for the truth." She told several other stories about Joseph F. Smith, but the last one was when he was in his late 20's he was walking and met Brigham Young. Brigham asked him who he was and who his parents were. After he answered, Brigham said I have a blessing for you from your father do you want it? Of course he said yes and they found a private place and Brigham placed his hands on his head and gave him a blessing of love, and comfort and council from his father; but before he closed, he also ordained his an apostle and made him a member of the first presidency. Joseph F. was very surprised, but not as surprised as Brigham was. Brigham said "You will notice I made you an apostle and a member of the First Presidency; but we have no vacancies at this time, so don't say anything about this for a while. It was a really interesting fireside.
It has been a great mother's day. I've heard from all of our children and even a grandchild and got to talk to a great-grandchild. It was wonderful to hear from you and I enjoyed it very much, but I hope you all know that the thing that brings me the greatest joy is the good lives you all lead. May you all find joy in living the gospel and drawing close to our Savior. Love MOM (Grandma - Great Grandma)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I tend not to blog unless I've got some meaningful pictures, but I don't want to forget this experience, so I will post with not pictures. On Thurs. I was assigned to the wagon. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed the 3 tours we did, but when we were done I was grateful to be able to go home and relax. I had been home about 5 min. and was practicing my penny whistle when the phone rang. They were calling from the visitors center and wondered if I could come back and give a tour to a handicapped sister and her husband in their motor home. They really wanted to go on the tour, but their was no way to get her wheelchair on the wagon. Well I wasn't exactly thrilled, but of course I couldn't very well say no to that. I hurried back and met them. what a great couple. She said it was hard to be confined to a wheel chair, but If the Savior could to what he did for her, she could definitely live her life for him. The husband told us (a young sister missionary came with us) that they had planned out their life and income so that he could retire at 55 and they would be able to serve many missions together. When he was about 50, his wives health started to decline (I wondered if it was M.S., but didn't ask). They did serve a temple mission in the temple office, and were now traveling in their motor home seeing church historical sites. It turned out to be one of the sweetest hours since we came on our mission, and that's saying something. They were full of questions and stories of their own. They were so positive and interested and grateful. When they thanked me for giving up my free time to come with them, I could only hug her and thank them both for the privelidge. I'm so grateful to be here in Nauvoo and for the Many varied experiences we are having Love to all. MOM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Well, our computer is back working thanks to our wonderful son-in-law, Dan. I hope I can remember some of the things I have wanted to mention here. The trees and wild life have been phenomenal between the magnolia's, the cardinal's, the eagles, and the pelicans, we have been in awe. The eagles have gone now, but they were quite the sight as we would drive down along the Mississippi. We have come to love the river and the river birds that are so fascinating. The time is becoming more hectic as we approach the summer. We have so many new missionaries that our meetings are overflowing. Our preparation meeting s are held in the seventies hall and it is full! I can only imagine how busy it will be by the end of May. Wow, how can we be so blessed. We love our mission more each day and our love and admiration for those who built this little town, name of Nauvoo, knows no bounds. Sister Davis who is over all the shows here is back and we are working really hard to make the changes and improvements she wants. She is a little scary, but a really talented lady. Hope all is well with all of you. Love, MOM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The days and weeks are flying by. We are so busy that Sunday comes around and I can't believe another whole week has flown by and I haven't done anything with my blog. I must repent, and do better. Our Easter program is tonight. We have been working ever since we got here (well really most had been working a while before we came) Anyway we have a wonderful director, Elder Moffett, who has picked out such great music it has really been fun practicing with such a talented man. There are so many talented people out here. It's rather intimidating. I feel so lacking in talents, but I just keep plugging along and hope my meagre talents can make a worthwhile contribution.
I mentioned earlier that we would have our Relief Society birthday in the Red Brick Store. What an experience that was!!! The spirit was so strong that most of us were fighting tears most of the evening. We did the program twice so all of the sister missionaries (mission and temple) could attend. By the second performance we were all feeling overwhelmed by what we were experiencing. It was definitely a never to be forgotten event.
What a joy it is to serve in the various sites. The spirit we feel as we talk about those faithful saints and the sacrifices they made fills me with gratitude to my heavenly father and to them. I sometimes feel that the prophet Joseph Smith must just be in the next block or in the next house. His presence is so strong here.

I recently served in the Brigham Young Home with a very dear friend Sister Patricia Jones. She and her husband are on their 3rd mission and they are really spiritual giants I am so grateful to have their friendship.
Sunday, March 15, 2009

John has become a star in Rendezvous. He plays the doctor in one of the scenes. He has been quite nervous, but is doing very well. Tonight we had Zone Conference. Sister Ludwig spoke about the need for change in all of our lives. She mentioned that we have all attended meetings where were motivated to change our lives in some area that was talked about, and we really want to change. Unfortunately, those feelings usually only last to about the parking lot. She said aspalt contains a secret ingrediant that absorbs good intentions. We MUST get our good intentions past the parking lot. She is a great speaker and I think everyone left feeling a real need to improve.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I realize it has been a while since I posted. Life is soooo busy, but so great. We have been very busy learning site scripts studying music for two programs, plus extra music for special numbers within the programs , plus a special number for the Relief Society Reenactment which will be held in the red brick store, which is where the Relief Society was first organized. The red brick store is owned and operated by the Community of Christ, but they have given us special permission to use it. It is not very big so we have to have two sessions. Should be very neat.
Well, John & I went on stage for the first time tonight. We both felt very lost, but it went much better than I expected. Very fun! The audience was great, several young children and they all responded very enthusiastically to the show. Even though we were only in the chorus, it was a great experience. One of the other missionaries commented "I have never been in a play before that we never had a practice on the stage. We have only practiced the music and when they think you are ready they give you a set of maps to tell you where to stand and you go. It's pretty scary and very humbling, but we are loving life in Nauvoo.
We had dinner at the Mission Presidents home on Sunday. We all took part of the meal. There were 5 couples and it was delightful. Pres. & Sister Ludwig are really neat people and made us all feel welcome and loved. Sorry I haven't had time to take any pictures. I will try to do better.
Love to all!!
Well, John & I went on stage for the first time tonight. We both felt very lost, but it went much better than I expected. Very fun! The audience was great, several young children and they all responded very enthusiastically to the show. Even though we were only in the chorus, it was a great experience. One of the other missionaries commented "I have never been in a play before that we never had a practice on the stage. We have only practiced the music and when they think you are ready they give you a set of maps to tell you where to stand and you go. It's pretty scary and very humbling, but we are loving life in Nauvoo.
We had dinner at the Mission Presidents home on Sunday. We all took part of the meal. There were 5 couples and it was delightful. Pres. & Sister Ludwig are really neat people and made us all feel welcome and loved. Sorry I haven't had time to take any pictures. I will try to do better.
Love to all!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
On Saturday Feb. 14, the single sisters in the mission had a valentines dance for all the couples.
They must have spent many hours baking cookies and making decorations and we all had to have our pictures taken. It was a very fun night

Friday, February 13, 2009
Week 2
Monday John Worked at the blacksmith shop. He's really an old hand at that all ready. I was in the Sarah Granger Kimball home. She was the one that started the forerunner of the Relief society. It was a very peaceful home Sister Evans, the site leader s, and I sat and crocheted and visited and enjoyed the view. (the temple, horses cows and geese landing in the field. Sister Evans looks and acts like she should be Lois Reeder's (Russ) sister. It seemed that she was an old friend the first time I met her.
On Tuesday we had more orientation and then went to Carthage, We had been there several times before, but having studied the presentation and delivering it a couple of times at the MTC, It really had a lot of meaning. I am so grateful for the courage and faith of the Prophet Joseph Smith and His brother. They were such an example of family loyalty and love. It was a really special way to end our ori
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday and Thursday I served at the Lucy Mack Smith home. What a faithful and stalwart lady. I t was such a treat to be there from 11:00 - 5:00 for 2 days. The stairs are very steep and narrow so I went down backwards ( no beeping) but I could imagine Lucy and her daughter & fmaily living there. They were only able to stay a few months before fear of the mobs drove them to Knoxville, then Ramus, then Lucy finally returned to Nauvoo and lived with Emma, who cared for her lovingly until her death. Friday I was in the sewing room which was very fun and relaxing??? John Had a ball working with the teams all week.
Wednesday morning we had a reenactment of the exodus. It was not nearly as cold as it was in 1946 and we were dressed warmly and were only out for about an hour, but I tried to imagine what it was like for them. Words fail me. I only know I love and admire them so much for their faithfulness and courage.
Siste Hughes gave the lesson on Sunday. It was excellant. Different but just as good as her Husbands
Wednesday morning we had a reenactment of the exodus. It was not nearly as cold as it was in 1946 and we were dressed warmly and were only out for about an hour, but I tried to imagine what it was like for them. Words fail me. I only know I love and admire them so much for their faithfulness and courage.
Siste Hughes gave the lesson on Sunday. It was excellant. Different but just as good as her Husbands
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday was orientation. There is so much to learn here. We were very busy meeting with the mission presidency and learning about various sites.
Tuesday we had a little free time and are I think we are really unpacked and somewhat organized. ( I keep deciding things would go better some place else.) In the afternoon we met at the temple with the mission Presidency. We were given a welcome and a few stories by the temple President. Then we did a session. Went home and ate then went to the Mission Presidents home for a visit. Sister Ludwig told about their courtship. It was quite a story. She was raised in an active home and had visited the temple in Mesa and made a promise to the Lord that she would marry in the temple. She graduated from BYU and then was introduced to Pres. Ludwig. He was not a member of the church, but the attraction blossemed and she did not know if it was a good thing or not. After falling in love, she told him of her promise. He was going to school in the east. She flew out and spent some time with him. When he drove her to the airport, he said "Well, I am flying home with you." That was great because she wondered if she would see him anymore. Just before they landed, He said "Tonight your dad is going to baptize me. Wow that was a surpraise. They waited a year (which she said was very hard) and were married in the Mesa temple. She kept her promise and he has been very active all their married life. They are really a delightful couple.
Tuesday we had a little free time and are I think we are really unpacked and somewhat organized. ( I keep deciding things would go better some place else.) In the afternoon we met at the temple with the mission Presidency. We were given a welcome and a few stories by the temple President. Then we did a session. Went home and ate then went to the Mission Presidents home for a visit. Sister Ludwig told about their courtship. It was quite a story. She was raised in an active home and had visited the temple in Mesa and made a promise to the Lord that she would marry in the temple. She graduated from BYU and then was introduced to Pres. Ludwig. He was not a member of the church, but the attraction blossemed and she did not know if it was a good thing or not. After falling in love, she told him of her promise. He was going to school in the east. She flew out and spent some time with him. When he drove her to the airport, he said "Well, I am flying home with you." That was great because she wondered if she would see him anymore. Just before they landed, He said "Tonight your dad is going to baptize me. Wow that was a surpraise. They waited a year (which she said was very hard) and were married in the Mesa temple. She kept her promise and he has been very active all their married life. They are really a delightful couple.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Computer woes.
Well our computer is working, but will not recognize our camera memory card. I have been trying to get it to work, but with no success. I guess I will do some catching up and do pictures later.
Saturday Jan 31st was a crazy day. We thought we had the day to finish moving in and do some shopping, but we find that you never have as much time as you thought you would. We had to visit the sewing room and have all our clothes checked and passed off and measurements taken for stage clothes and to finish the sewing I had not been able to get done. For the most part, it all worked okay.
Sunday Feb 1st . Our first day at church here. Typical schedule for a Sunday in the winter. Sacrament meeting at 8:00 a.m. Then combined R. S. Priesthood and some Sunday school. Our teacher for this meeting was Elder Dean Hughes. Yes the Author, and he was wonderful. I had already met his wife and wondered why she looked so familiar. Someone told me she had been in the General R. S. Presidency. Oh so she won't know me, but she certainly seemed like an old friend to me. Choir practice is right after and then we have "Rendezvous" practice from 12:00 till 2:00 . at 7:00 p.m. there is a devotional for the Exodus. I guess in a week or two we will add working at a site to that, and in the summer, it really gets crazy.
Saturday Jan 31st was a crazy day. We thought we had the day to finish moving in and do some shopping, but we find that you never have as much time as you thought you would. We had to visit the sewing room and have all our clothes checked and passed off and measurements taken for stage clothes and to finish the sewing I had not been able to get done. For the most part, it all worked okay.
Sunday Feb 1st . Our first day at church here. Typical schedule for a Sunday in the winter. Sacrament meeting at 8:00 a.m. Then combined R. S. Priesthood and some Sunday school. Our teacher for this meeting was Elder Dean Hughes. Yes the Author, and he was wonderful. I had already met his wife and wondered why she looked so familiar. Someone told me she had been in the General R. S. Presidency. Oh so she won't know me, but she certainly seemed like an old friend to me. Choir practice is right after and then we have "Rendezvous" practice from 12:00 till 2:00 . at 7:00 p.m. there is a devotional for the Exodus. I guess in a week or two we will add working at a site to that, and in the summer, it really gets crazy.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Nauvoo at last
We left home about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. Logan canyon was snowpacked in many places, but we made it through safely and continued on to Rawlins. We were stopped in Sinclair because the freeway was closed to Laramie for about 3 hrs. Finally we made in to Sidney and spent the night. Had good weather on Friday and got to Omaha mid afternoon. Had Dinner with our good friends, George and Maria Bryan. And visited with Bishop Van Dyke, wife, Raylyn and daughter, Katie. It was so good to see these dear people. Then onto Nauvoo by about 1:30 Friday. We checked in at the mission office and then were given a tour and shown where we would be living and given keys. Then we spent quite some time unloading the car and trying to get the apartment ready. We were so hungry so we went out to eat and when we came back we found that none of our keys worked. We were locked out. After about an hour of frustration, our district leader came with master keys and we made it in. We did a little more unpackin and fell into bed exhausted. But, hey, we are IN NAUVOO.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What a wonderful place, and what wonderful people. As we pulled up to the front entrance, a Senior Elder came to our window with instructions. Elder Hacking, Who had been the car czar in Omaha. He and his wife are volunteering at the MTC. It was such a thrill to see them.
That evening, we were sitting in the cafeteria, when I saw this girl sitting on another table . I kept looking at her. Then she turned around and saw me at the same time. It was our Winter Quarters mission presidents daughter. What a thrill to see her. She is going to Hungary on her mission.
On Wednesday Allison Jarrett came. It was so good to see her.
We have also seen two young sister missionaries from Winter quarters, Sister Doxey-Crapo and Sister Andilyn. They are so beautiful.
On Monday, elder & Sister Maughn came. They were in our Temple group at the Logan Temple
If it sounds like we have only been playing with all these friends, not so. We have still found plenty of time for learning, studying, practicing and eating. The food here is sooo good and there is always soooooo much. All in all, it has been a really terrific 9 days. After a quick stop at home to finish packing and say goodbye, we are now on the road to Nauvoo. It still gives me a thrill to say it. Well I will get back to this after we reach Nauvoo.
We have also seen two young sister missionaries from Winter quarters, Sister Doxey-Crapo and Sister Andilyn. They are so beautiful.
On Monday, elder & Sister Maughn came. They were in our Temple group at the Logan Temple
If it sounds like we have only been playing with all these friends, not so. We have still found plenty of time for learning, studying, practicing and eating. The food here is sooo good and there is always soooooo much. All in all, it has been a really terrific 9 days. After a quick stop at home to finish packing and say goodbye, we are now on the road to Nauvoo. It still gives me a thrill to say it. Well I will get back to this after we reach Nauvoo.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Family - Temple
This is not really about our mission. This was just a really special day for us. Finally after all these years, we were able to enjoy attending the temple with all eight of our children. On the 10th of July 2008, in conjunction with our family reunion, we traveled to the Ogden temple. The Logan temple was closed for cleaning and repairs. I am putting this picture in now so our children can show me how to post pictures. I am so technology challanged that I have to be walked through everything. We are leaving for the MTC on Mon. so I will not be posting again for maybe two weeks.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
We spoke in church today. It really hurts to leave these dear people again, but it was a great day. It was full of good wishes and love from family and friends. We didn't get any pictures, but the familly members present were -Chelsea, Halie, and Jacen Seamons; Chantal, Skyler, and Saxon Peterborg; Mallory, Justin, and Paisley Campbell; Hyrum Wheatley; Randy & Lynnette Haltiner; ChrisHaltiner; Kyle and Stacey Barton; Jocelyn, Stephanie, Natalie, Kristen, Angela, & Aaron Cheney; Laree, Emma, and Johnathan Ipson; Leann, Launa, & Leah Nelson; William Nelson, B. K Nelson, Roma and Gene Thompson.
Others that came were Stewart and Cindy Nelson, (friends from our first mission) Sue and Reed Sundberg(Old ward members. It was a great day and now we can really concentrate on getting out of here. The adventure starts soon
Others that came were Stewart and Cindy Nelson, (friends from our first mission) Sue and Reed Sundberg(Old ward members. It was a great day and now we can really concentrate on getting out of here. The adventure starts soon
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Welcome to our Blog
Welcome All! We are so excited about our mission call to Nauvoo. We are hoping that this blog will help us keep everyone updated more regularly than on the last mission!
Just to let you know, this Sunday (January 11th), John and I will be speaking in our ward. Sacrament meeting starts at 11:00, in the Center Street building in Hyde Park. For any who need directions to find it, just go east on Center street (or Hyde Park Lane), and it's just past main street, on the north.
After the block, you are all welcome to come over to our place (24 west 200 north) for a meal and to visit. We hope to see you there!
Just to let you know, this Sunday (January 11th), John and I will be speaking in our ward. Sacrament meeting starts at 11:00, in the Center Street building in Hyde Park. For any who need directions to find it, just go east on Center street (or Hyde Park Lane), and it's just past main street, on the north.
After the block, you are all welcome to come over to our place (24 west 200 north) for a meal and to visit. We hope to see you there!
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