Well our computer is working, but will not recognize our camera memory card. I have been trying to get it to work, but with no success. I guess I will do some catching up and do pictures later.
Saturday Jan 31st was a crazy day. We thought we had the day to finish moving in and do some shopping, but we find that you never have as much time as you thought you would. We had to visit the sewing room and have all our clothes checked and passed off and measurements taken for stage clothes and to finish the sewing I had not been able to get done. For the most part, it all worked okay.
Sunday Feb 1st . Our first day at church here. Typical schedule for a Sunday in the winter. Sacrament meeting at 8:00 a.m. Then combined R. S. Priesthood and some Sunday school. Our teacher for this meeting was Elder Dean Hughes. Yes the Author, and he was wonderful. I had already met his wife and wondered why she looked so familiar. Someone told me she had been in the General R. S. Presidency. Oh so she won't know me, but she certainly seemed like an old friend to me. Choir practice is right after and then we have "Rendezvous" practice from 12:00 till 2:00 . at 7:00 p.m. there is a devotional for the Exodus. I guess in a week or two we will add working at a site to that, and in the summer, it really gets crazy.