Thursday, October 29, 2009

I havn't blogged for a while, life just seems to carry us along with few opportunities for the non-essentials. We are happy, healthy, and having the time of our lives. I wish all of you could have this opportunity some time in the future. In our prep meeting this morning they announced that there have been 29 documented baptisms from referral cards at the pageant. There may be many others that have not been traced to the pageant, but that started there. What a thrill to be part of such a wonderful work. Some days we give tours all day long and don't think any thing special has happened and then you connect with one person and know that they are feeling the spirit . What a joy that is! I do believe that anyone who comes here will not slam the door in the face of missionaries when they come to their home.

Yesterday we served at Carthage. The first time we have had that priveledge. What a joy it was to feel the wonderful spirit of that place. We have come to love the Prophet Joseph Smith as never before. What a tremendous example he is to us all. If I work the rest of my life, I could not measure up even 1/200 th of what he has done; but I hope I can know and commune with him when I leave this life.

The spirit here in Nauvoo is so wonderful. We find such joy and satisfaction each day as we serve at the various sites. The gospel brings happiness to those who live it. May you all find that joy in your lives. We love you all so much

Monday, October 12, 2009

On Thursday while I was serving in the Brigham Young home, a middle aged couple and their son came in. I was impressed with their happy nature. In fact, the son never seemed to stop smiling. The only change was in how wide the smile was. After bearing testimony and sharing some personal things with them, the son asked if he could share his story.

At the age of 17 he was diagnosed with brain cancer. The tumor was between the lobes of the brain and it was impossible to remove more than a small portion of it. Removing that portion did help his headaches, but after several more surgeries they told him there was nothing more they could do. They said he should go home and enjoy what short life he had left.

While he was still in the hospital, two men in suits came in and asked if Elder ...... (his name) was there. He said "my name is ........" One of the men said he was Elder ....... of the seventy and he had been sent there by Thomas S. Monson to give a blessing to the future Elder ....... He received the blessing and was promised he would live to serve a mission and would have good health. He was not able to serve a regular mission because he has no short term memory, even though his long term memory is perfect. He did serve a full time mission in his own area and worked in the mission office helping with the records. It has been 17 years since that diagnosis and he enjoys really good health, and I believe his smiles show his gratitude for being alive.

We all cried together as he shared his story. I was really grateful that we were not busy that day or I could not have taken time to listen. It was one of those wonderful experiences that we are blessed with occasionally. I am sooooo glad to be here.